
Operations Support Service Centre

In order to streamline support requests and better serve you, we utilize this support system. Every support request is assigned a unique ticket number which you can use to track the progress and responses online. For your reference we provide complete archives and history of all your support requests. A valid email address is required to submit a ticket.

This system will assist you in following topics:

  • Request for an ICT Support.
  • Request for assets and materials
  • Request HR Assistance

Sentru Asistensia ba Apoio Operasaun

Atu simplifika pedidiu apoiu no serví imi ho diak-liu, ami utiliza sistema ida ne’e. kada pedidu ne’ebe atribuidu ho númeru úniku billete ida ne’ebe imi bele uza hodi akompña progresu no resposta on-line. Ba imi nia referénsia, ami fornese arkivu kompletu no histróriku ba imi nia pedidiu apoiu nian. Presiza enderesu e-mail ne’ebe válidu hodi submete billete ida. Sistema ne’e sei tulun imi hanesan tuir-mai ne’e:

  • Pedidu ba apoiu ICT nian.
  • Pedidu ba patrimóniu no materiál sira
  • Pedidu ba asisténsia HR nian.

Best Regards

DT-Global Timor Leste Operations